Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Caption Writing Warm-Up

Who: a Child
Where: in a favela outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What: swinging
Why: news value
When Tuesday
How: In Rio, there are worry about the security for the upcoming World Cup, but this girl is not worried about anything. She is swing, and having fun in a favela on the outskirts.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Quick Write: Cold

The coldest I've ever been is when we had the snow day a couple weeks back.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quick write Pet Shop

 I would save the dog's because am a dog person and dogs are amazing i like them.

Friday, February 21, 2014

5 year plan 10 year plan quick write

My five year plan is to have graduated college and figure out my major and what i want to be after college and my 10 year is maybe be master degree or maybe even doctor degree in what i want to study and hopefully have traveled to different countries as well .

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot

 ISO 3200
 ISO 1600
 ISO 800
 ISO 400
ISO 100

1. I think it is 800 because it has good balance between light and dark
2. I think it is 1600 because that balance it is a little lost but its pretty good
3. I think the difference is barely there but you can notice it
4. That you can change the ISO to make it way better. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Photoshop Introduction

1. editing, manipulation, Create
2. Graphic designers, Magazine makers,
3. Effects, Filters, Layers
4. The crop tool is used to cut portion of photos.
5.Lasso tool is used to select a specific Area of a photo.
6.The text tool will that one is self explanatory it is used to add in the text in photos. with the text tool however, you can also do special effects with it.
7. to use the Undo option you click "Command and z" to go back 1 step.
8.If you wanna go back more them one step then you use "Command + Control + z"
9. when you are cropping it gives you the option to Rotate the image before you finalize the selected area. Same thing applies with the text tool
10.By grabbing the Edge of the cropped area and adjusting it. are telling Photoshop which dimensions the image should result in after your crop.
12. a good resolution for newsletters and newspapers is 150 to 200 ppi
13.Magazines prefer a high resolution image of 250 ppi or more 

photoshop practice