Friday, November 8, 2013

Academic Shoot reflection

1. I think the main challenge was trying to find a good photo of lines
2. I had a manual camera so i found my self trying new things so i can take good pictures
3. Focus more on finding clear rules of photography
4. The same camera because i could make the photos look the way i want to
5. I think simplicity
6. Lines
7. Avoiding mergers, Read more about what it is

Academic photo shoot

            1. I think i kind of followed the rule
            2. The subject is the the guy
            3. I think i could have made it clearer
            4. If i would have only focus on the guy 
Rule of thirds
            1. I think i followed the rule
            2. The subject is the girl on the right
            3. I think i could have made it clearer
            4. If i would have step back a little bit it would have made it clearer
             1.I think it follow the rule
             2.The subject is balance
             3.I think it is clear 
             4.If i take a picture from a straight angle
        1. I think i follow the rule great
        2. The subject is framing
        3. I think its pretty clear
        4. Focus more on the dude on the right
       1.  I think i sort of followed the rule
       2.  The subject are the line the are in the blinds
       3.  No i think its not really that clear
       4.  I could have made the blinds almost like the main point
Avoiding mergers
    1. I followed the the rule pretty well
    2. The subject is avoiding mergers
    3. I think this one clear to people
    4. I think i did follow the rule but i could have made it clearer

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mural 5 photos

Quick write: Brave

A time i remember being brave was when i jumped off the roof of my house because the ladder fell and i jumped off the roof and pick it up and hold it for everyone to come down.